Happy (Almost) New Year

What will 2020 bring for you?

We cannot predict the future. We do not know what the joys and struggles of this next year will be. BUT…we do know that God will be present in all we go through. God can use all that we experience, the good and the bad, to draw us closer to God’s presence.

I do not often make New Year’s resolutions, yet I find each new year to be a helpful time to reflect on the past year and plan for the next. I encourage you to do the same.

Take a moment to complete a spiritual inventory of 2019. 

When did you feel closest to God in 2019? 

Once you identify a couple of moments, think about how you can pursue God’s presence with greater frequency in 2020.

When did you feel God work through your life in an exhilarating way? 

Nothing is more exciting than realizing that God is working through your life. Can you take steps to pursue a greater awareness of God’s desire to work through you in 2020?

On Sunday, we are going to study a verse that has impacted my goals for 2020.

“God must become greater, I must become less.”

-John 3:30

This statement was made by John the Baptist. It is an acknowledgement that his work should be carried out for God and not for himself. I want to live this way with greater clarity in 2020.

By less, John does not intend for us to think of ourselves as bad or unworthy of thought. Instead, John is encouraging us to understand our role in God’s redemptive story.

It is God’s story; we just play a part. 

How can you use your time, your resources and your relationships to make God more greatly known in the world? You have an opportunity to allow God to have a more prominent role as you organize your life for the next year. This is going to be something I focus on in 2020.

This Sunday we will ordain our new elder class. This class is made of up outstanding faith leaders in our community who are committed to serving Unity. This class includes Kate Conrad, Philip Minter, Kevin Pitton, Anne Lampron and youth elders Madeline Carey and Mason Koehler. Please come and pray for them as they begin their time on session.

We will also say “Well Done!” to the outgoing elder class: Sue Dunlap, Frank Darden, Keith Sipe, Elaine Easterling and youth elder Hope McRorie. Thank you for your service! You have shepherded our church extremely well these past 3 years.

As we turn to 2020, I am excited for the ways that God will continue to work through the people of Unity to positively impact the world. As members of Unity, let us look to the new year and say, “God must become greater, we must become less.”

See you on Sunday!

-Pastor David

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