Character Study: Moses Part 3

God decides to liberate his people from slavery, and he’s going to use Moses to do it. It turns out, Moses is less than a willing participant. In this well known story, God appears to Moses in a burning bush and tells Moses that he’s sending him back to Egypt to bring his people out...

Character Study: Moses Part 2

Moses lived in two different worlds. One the one hand, he grew up in the Egyptian palace. He was the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He was educated alongside the rest of Pharaoh’s children. Moses, on some level, must’ve identified as an Egyptian. On the other hand, Moses was a Hebrew. His parents were Hebrews...

Character Study: Moses

The Bible is full of real people who chose to live by faith, often through incredible circumstances. We get to learn from their experiences as we live our own lives by faith. For the next couple of weeks, we are going to study the life of Moses. What can we learn about his personality? What...

Metaphors for God – Part 5

We’ve been studying the metaphors for God. So far we’ve learned… God is caring and compassionate like a mother hen. God is dependable like a rock. God will guide you through life like a shepherd. God will give himself for you like a sacrificial lamb. Let’s study together this week’s metaphor: This is the message...

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday and we have two opportunities for worship. A noon service— this will be a 30 minute reflective service. A 7 pm service— this will be a full service with the choir. The imposition of ashes will be offered at both services. Beginning at 5:30 pm we will offer a pancake dinner...

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