Today is Ash Wednesday and we have two opportunities for worship.
A noon service— this will be a 30 minute reflective service.
A 7 pm service— this will be a full service with the choir.
The imposition of ashes will be offered at both services.
Beginning at 5:30 pm we will offer a pancake dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Feel free to come anytime between 5:30 and 7 pm. After a long two years of limited fellowship opportunities, I am very much looking forward to dinner with this community tonight! Also, I just love pancakes.
Ash Wednesday is a somber day, a day when we remember our mortality. Why do we do this? After all, it’s not very fun to acknowledge that one day this life will end.
I agree with you— it’s not fun, but it’s necessary.
Ash Wednesday acts as a confession of faith. It’s a day to embrace our frailty, our weakness, instead of compensating for it. A day to be honest with our limitations instead of hiding them.
You and I are mortal. And that’s ok. That’s how we were created.
Even in our mortality, we can be in connection with the immortal.
In the face of our humanity, we worship a God who always was, always is and always will be. Today, on Ash Wednesday, we affirm our complete and utter dependance on God.
God is responsible for every breath we take.
Including the one you just took.
And the next one.
Today, strive to deeply appreciate the God who sustains you. There’s a certain acceptance that comes from acknowledging our need for God. No longer do we need to fear aging or illness or death. Instead, we look with hope to deepening our connection with God in each passing day.
During the imposition of ashes, the pastors will recite the ancient words from scripture: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
We are dust, dust who have the very spirit of God within us.
On Sunday we’ll begin a brand new preaching series titled 40 Days Of Discipleship.
Jesus said that we should go and make new disciples. But what are the characteristics of a disciple? We’ll explore these things through the season of Lent.
Additionally, don’t forget to fill out the survey about the Walking In Their Shoes videos. We want to hear from you! Here’s the link:
See you tonight, and on Sunday!
-Pastor David