Year 1 Complete

I’ve recently completed the first year of my Doctor of Ministry program (only two more to go!). Now I take a break until the fall when classes resume. One of my commitments to you is to share what I’ve learned after each semester. I enrolled in two classes this semester. The first class was called...

Holy Week

What makes this week holy? There are two meanings for the word holy. One— sacred, hallowed. Two— set apart for service to God. We call the week leading up to Easter Holy Week because of each of these definitions. This week is sacred. Christians consider it holy ground when we immerse ourselves in the events from...

Character Study: Moses Part 4

What would it be like to stand in front of the most powerful person in the world, and tell them they’re wrong? That’s exactly what God asked Moses to do. He stood in front of Pharaoh, the leader of a superpower with one of the largest armies known to the world, and told him he...

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