“As people of faith, we believe that God created this world, called it good and told humans to care for it. We are blessed to have this sacred task.”
This is a statement from our denomination, the Presbyterian Church USA, as it encourages all of its congregations to care for God’s creation. As a way of caring for creation, Unity is considering placing solar panels on a portion of our roof. The Presbyterian Church USA encourages its congregations to consider ways it can act faithfully in response to the realities of climate change. We have several churches in our own Presbytery that have already installed solar panels as a way of reducing their carbon footprint. Many churches throughout our country are considering how to support renewable energies as a way of creating sustainable energy practices. Duke energy is offering non-profit organizations a $40,000 grant as an incentive for solar energy. This grant allows placing solar panels on our roof to be much more affordable than it would be otherwise. Unity is considering a 57 kilowatt system. Over the lifetime of the system, this will save 1,650 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. That is the equivalent of 3,670,000 miles driven! This proposal is enthusiastically supported by Unity’s Earth Care team. Our Earth Care team notes that Americans use 40% of the world’s oil and emit 25% of the world’s greenhouse gases even though we are less than 5% of the world’s population. Therefore, changes that we make will have a larger impact on global energy use. I’d like to invite you to a presentation about the opportunity to place solar panels on a portion of Unity’s roof. This presentation will take place on Sunday at 12:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Also, this Sunday we are beginning a new series about the Kingdom of God. This topic was among the most frequent subjects that Jesus preached about. Join us on Sunday to find out why. “Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” -Matthew 6:33 See you on Sunday! -Pastor David |
Solar Opportunity