Unity’s Wonderful Staff

This is a season to count your blessings.

As a church, we have many blessings to count. Personally, I count Unity’s staff as one of the biggest blessings in my life. They are a dedicated team who love one another and care deeply for the work of the church. I recognize that Unity has received quite a few new members over the past year or so. Therefore, I’d like to take a moment to introduce (or re-introduce) Unity’s wonderful staff.

Going from left to right on the photo above:

Morris Sample (volunteer treasurer)

Elaine Easterling (volunteer pre-school treasurer)

Tim Fox (campus manager)

Dana Seiler (associate pastor)

David Bonnema (senior pastor)

Karen Taylor (pre-school director)

Janeen Dishman (communications director)

Sally Brissenden (retired)

Jeff Perks (organist)

Henry Haynes (pastoral care chaplain)

Reed Conley (organizing pastor- Artisan Church)

Not Pictured- Ryan Harrison (choir director), Chris Smith (AV engineer), Jeannette Aimutis (Children’s Ministry Assistant).

I give thanks for a wonderful staff.

What are the blessings in your life?

When you contemplate that question, perhaps certain people come to mind.

Tell them.

Tell them why they are a blessing to you. Write an email, make a phone call, connect with those who have blessed you.

Perhaps as you reflect on the year you think of particular circumstances that have blessed you. Your health? Your job? An unexpected surprise? When you start keeping track, I bet you’ll be surprised at all of the blessings in your life. These are gifts from a God who loves you.

And let us praise God for the one blessing that all of us can be thankful for. The angel’s words, bringing a message to the shepherds in a field at night…

I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
—Luke 2:10-12

What a blessing!

God sent Jesus to be our Savior. This news has caused great joy all over the world. Notice— a sign was given. A sign is an object or event that indicates the presence of something else (usually unseen). In this case, God gives the world a sign to prove God truly has sent a savior into the world.

And the sign is…a baby?

That’s right. A child, born into the most humble of conditions.

A baby, lying not in a crib but in an animal feeding trough.

Sometimes signs are subtle and unexpected.

I believe God sends us signs everyday to demonstrate God’s love. But sometimes these signs are subtle and unexpected. I bet we miss them most of the time.

Be on the look out for God’s signs.

God’s love can be known in every moment of every day.

What a blessing!

Tonight is the final Wednesday Night Dinner of the year. Join us at 5 pm for Bible study and 5:45 for dinner prepared by Jack and the Crew. Dinners will resume mid-January.

This Sunday will be our Big Music Sunday i.e. Lessons and Carols. The choir will lead both the 9:30 and 11 am services. Invite a friend!

And kids— Pastor Dana is decorating cookies Sunday at 4 pm in the Fellowship Hall!

See you on Sunday!

—Pastor David

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