The Verbs of Peace

Most nights I can fall asleep quickly. I read before bed and as I find myself drifting or reading the same sentence a couple of times, I know I can put my head on the pillow and be out like a light within seconds.

Most nights…

Some nights I toss and turn, usually when something from my day is still bothering me. You know the feeling, don’t you? When your mind keeps going back to the same conversation or conflict or off-handed comment.

Instead of feeling at peace and ready for rest, you are restless. Agitated. Unsettled.

King David experienced this too. He wrote a beautiful psalm about what led him to a feeling of peace during moments of stress.

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.
—Psalm 4:8

David found his peace in God, and God alone. David knew, despite everything else going on in his life that may cause him stress or uncertainty, God was still with him. And when God is present, peace can be found.

The amazing truth is that when we find our peace in God, we become people of peace in the world.

On Sunday I’ll preach on this week’s Opposite: Peace or Conflict?

Conflict is everywhere: in our homes, our schools, our government. It is easy to get wrapped up in the conflict all around us. As Christians, God asks us to be people of peace.

Peter, one of Jesus’ original twelve disciples, wrote about what God expects from God’s followers. He said…

They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.
—1 Peter 3:11

Notice the two verbs that surround peace. Christians are to seek it and pursue it.

Take a moment to consider any conflict that is present in your life currently. It may not be outright conflict, but an inner turmoil you feel toward another person.

How can you seek peace in this situation?

To seek peace is to search for it, to yearn for it, to identify a way to locate a peaceful resolution. If you can’t come up with a way to seek peace on your own, talk with someone who can help. This can be a counselor, trusted friend, mentor, or parent.

Once you identify the route to peace, you must pursue it.

This is where the real work comes in. Pursuing peace requires persistence and the willingness to keep after it, even when the going gets tough. It means pursuing a peaceful resolution even when no one else is willing to. As a Christian, you take the initiative.

Find your peace in God. Seek peace in your relationships. Pursue peace with all you’ve got. These are the verbs of peace.

This Sunday we’ll celebrate Mother’s Day at Unity! Thank you to all the moms, grandmothers, stepmothers, soon-to-be-moms, and all who care for children. You are loved and appreciated!

See you on Sunday!

—Pastor David

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