Sweet as Honey

Solid, practical advice.

The book of Proverbs does not teach timeless truths that are applicable in every situation. Instead, proverbs are generally accepted wisdom that will help the reader live a good life.

This Lenten season we will be studying the topic of wisdom on Sunday mornings. In conjunction with this, I will be writing about the proverbs over the next couple of weeks in this blog. I hope you find encouragement for your daily life in these wise words.
Kind words are like honey,
sweet to the soul and healing to the body.
-Proverbs 16:24

From time to time my family will go to the local farmer’s market. There are so many fresh and delicious products to choose from. One of my favorites is the local honey. Fresh local honey is sweet on the tongue and refreshing for the taste buds.

Kind words have the same effect on a person’s soul. When you hear a genuine, authentic compliment it feels like sweet honey for the soul. Isn’t it amazing that our words can have this positive impact on a person’s day?

This proverb encourages us to freely share kindness through our words. Start today— say something kind.


A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
-Proverbs 15:1

This proverb continues the theme of the power of our words. Think back to the last time someone was angry with you. Your response to that person probably had a large effect on the direction of the rest of the conversation.

Gentle answers will defuse most volatile situations. Harsh words just add fuel to the fire. This proverb encourages us to respond to challenging conversations with a gentle touch.


A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
-Proverbs 17:22

I discovered another translation of this proverb that I find helpful: Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time. This proverb is not encouraging us to see the world through rose-colored glasses. But it is encouraging us to focus on the good.

Even in the hardest situations, good is present. A cheerful heart looks for the good in all situations. The opposite is to find the bad in all situations. Essentially, this proverbs asks us where we choose to place our focus— the good or the bad.

In the long run, a cheerful heart will lead to more health and wellbeing.

These proverbs are not guaranteed to work in every situation. Remember— they are not meant to be universal principles. Instead, these sayings are a generally good way to live your life. I encourage you to act on these proverbs when given the opportunity.

On Sunday we enter week 2 of the season of Lent and our study of wisdom.

See you then!

-Pastor David

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the training videos for the Lincolnton church plant https://www.unitypres.org/lincolnton/

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