Can You Hear It?

noun – The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. – Oxford Dictionary
Did you know that the Bible has a whole section of books classified as Wisdom Literature? The biblical authors cared deeply about gaining wisdom and making wise choices. The books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs are all considered Wisdom Literature, i.e. their purpose is to produce wisdom in you.

The book of Proverbs is one of my favorites. The opening chapter describes wisdom personified as a woman. And this woman (wisdom) is standing in the middle of a busy street shouting to all who walk by.
Wisdom shouts in the streets.
    She cries out in the public square.
She calls to the crowds along the main street,
    to those gathered in front of the city gate.
-Proverbs 1:20-21
What an interesting way to begin a book! When I think of wisdom, I think of reading a book or listening to a lecture. Never have I thought of a woman shouting in a public square. Why is she shouting? What is wisdom’s message?
“How long will you who are simple insist on being simpleminded? How long will you hate knowledge and choose ignorance?” -Proverbs 1:22
That is a bit of a hurtful message! But once I get over my hurt feelings, I realize that it is an important message. This Bible passage teaches us that wisdom is not inherent or innate. You are not born with it. Wisdom is to be pursued throughout a lifetime of learning. Wisdom stands on the street corner and implores anyone who will listen to pursue knowledge and comprehension.
This is an important message for today. We live in a world that promotes skepticism of truth and distrust of facts.
Wisdom shouts:
Come and listen to my counsel.
I’ll share my heart with you
and make you wise.
-Proverbs 1:23
May we hear wisdom calling to us from the street corner and respond to her message. May we learn to pursue wisdom in all areas of life. A great place to start is with one of the Wisdom Literature books found in your Bible—perhaps Proverbs.

On Sunday we continue our series with the third “I AM” statement of Jesus.
See you on Sunday!
-Pastor David
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