And the Winner Is…

How often do you think of yourself as an autonomous, independent, self-made individual?

We live in a society that particularly celebrates individualism. This is not necessarily bad unless it disconnects us from the community. Because God made us as relational beings who do best when we are part of a supportive community.

Have you ever noticed how enriched your life becomes when you feel a part of something larger than yourself? When you can work towards something meaningful with a group of people who care about it as much as you do?

This is the community of faith.

This is the church.

This is the body of Christ.

At Unity, we strive to create opportunities for you to feel a part of a community. You may think we do this simply because we like food— and it’s true! Our church is blessed with some amazing cooks! But it is more than that. Building community over shared meals can be deeply relatable.

Our meals and fellowship events are opportunities to bond with other Christians who are on the same journey of faith. All of us are striving to become the people God is forming– and we can support one another in this process.

Think of one of the recent fellowship events that you were able to attend. Perhaps it was the Chili Cook Off or a Sunday breakfast or a Wednesday Night Dinner. What did you notice?

I noticed how intergenerational these events have become. We’ve got kids running around the gathering area or playing bingo in the Meeting Room. We’ve got young adults helping to cook. We’ve got adults introducing themselves to new members— to new friends– around the round tables.

To me, this is an image of the body of Christ in action. And it is beautiful.

Paul tells us that within the church, we are to view one another as a part of our extended family. “When one suffers, all suffer, and when one rejoices, all rejoice.”
—1 Corinthians 12:26

Let us endeavor to make this statement true at Unity Presbyterian Church.

In the larger world, we are often told to do all we can to acquire and possess. But in the community of faith, we recognize that all we have is a gift from God. Or as author Daniel Bell Jr writes, “…all we have and all we are is a gift given to us for the sake of being given to others in love and service— moving outward toward the other in charity, justice and generosity.”

Thank God for creating a world where we can be a part of the community of faith, the body of Christ!

To that end, I’d like to announce the winners of the Chili Cook-Off. Thank you to everyone who participated. Over $750 was raised for local hunger relief. Way to go!

Soup winners:

1st – Kim Yarbrough – Cheeseburger Soup

2nd – Bobby Nesbitt – Chicken Stew

3rd – Susie Jarolim – Chicken & Dumpling Soup

Chili Winners:

1st – Bobby Nesbitt  – 2 Meat 2 Bean Chili

2nd – Lynne Gronning – Meat Chili

3rd – Kara Lukehart – Sweet Potato Black Bean Chili

A special thank you goes to Beth Lloyd for the amazing amount of time she dedicated to pulling off the event. Thank you Beth— you are a gift to this church! Also, Beth has taken the lead in cooking on Wednesday nights. She’d like your help in creating the upcoming menu.

Please fill out this two-question survey so that we can determine the types of meals you’d most enjoy.

This Sunday marks the last week in our Story Of David series. What are the last words David says while on his deathbed? Come Sunday to find out!

See you on Sunday!

—Pastor David

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