Advent Calendar

Thank you to all who helped decorate the sanctuary for advent! It looks great!
There is a lot to celebrate this week!

Thanksgiving is on Thursday!

The first Sunday of Advent is this Sunday!

Here’s what you’ll have to look forward to this season:

Nov. 27: First Sunday in Advent.

An exploration of the ancient prophesy of Immanuel— the promise that God will be with us.

Dec. 4: Second Sunday in Advent.

We’ll celebrate communion and study specifically how hope arrives through this season.

Dec. 11: Third Sunday in Advent.

How does the story of Elizabeth, a relative of Mary, shape the meaning of this season?

Dec. 18: Fourth Sunday in Advent.

The choir will lead us through a spectacular Lessons and Carols service. Look, too, for the handbells and children’s choir!

Dec. 24: Choose from 3 Christmas Eve services.

4:30 pm: A service focused on children and their families.

7 pm: Traditional candlelight and communion service.

9 pm: Traditional candlelight and communion service.

Dec. 25: Merry Christmas! We will celebrate with one service at 11 am.

Jan. 1: Happy New Year! We will celebrate with one service at 11 am.

I hope you’ll join us for many of the worship opportunities this season!

This season reminds me of the last two pieces of presbyterian theology that we have been studying the past couple of weeks. The first is “In Christ Alone.”

Presbyterians have always placed an emphasis on understanding God through Jesus. After all, Jesus is the visible presence of an invisible God. In Jesus’ life and teachings, we see God most clearly. If you ever become confused about God, look to Jesus.

How fitting it is that we now approach advent, the time when we celebrate Jesus’ birth into our world.

And the last foundation?

To God alone be the glory.

Everything we do should be for the glory of God.

Paul highlights this in his letter to the church in Corinth:

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
—1 Corinthians 10:31

This time of year, we could add to Paul’s list.

Whether you are eating turkey or wrapping presents or sipping hot chocolate or waiting in line— whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Our lives are not meant to be lived only for ourselves. We are God’s. Thus, our intention should be to bring God glory in all that we do.

May that become your focus this holiday season.

See you on Sunday as we begin advent together!

—Pastor David

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