A Stellar Good Time

Unity Presbyterian Church invests heavily in Vacation Bible School— it is a ‘all hands on deck’ situation full of volunteers and staff dedicating their time. Why? We believe that VBS is one of the best ways to teach children about God’s love.

Teaching faith to the next generation is what its all about.

This year’s theme is Stellar. Pastor Dana and I perform a skit each morning where I get to dress up like an astronaut. I love my job. In the afternoons we lead science experiments involving balloons, baking soda, and vinegar.

Every day we teach the children to Shine Jesus’ Light.

 Let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.
—Matthew 5:16

Have you known someone who’s personality could brighten a whole room? We want to shine like stars in this world, but not for our own sakes. We shine so that others might see us and glorify God.

Allow the VBS kids to be our example this week and shine Jesus’ light into the world. A special shout out to Pastor Dana. She has put countless hours into preparing for this week and has done an amazing job! Well done Dana!

On Sunday we will have breakfast at 8:30 am. Also, the VBS kids will lead a song during the 9:30 am service.

See you on Sunday!

—Pastor David

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