Worship, Grow, Serve, Join

Worship, grow, serve, join. 
These are the four steps that are being promoted through our brand new welcome center. For the last few weeks, your congregational care team, along with your ushers, have been discussing how to help visitors get connected to the church. One idea that emerged from these conversations was creating a welcome center. You probably noticed this welcome center as you walked into the gathering area on Sunday. This is a place that visitors can go to when they have questions, such as “Where is the nursery?” “When does Sunday school meet?” “Where is the coffee?!”
Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for visitors to get connected at Unity. 
When a new visitor arrives at a church, one of the first questions they ask is “What should I do now?” Churches usually have a lot of opportunities for visitors and members to get involved. But without a clear track, the numerous opportunities can feel overwhelming, like drinking from a fire hose. This is why we have come up with the four steps for visitors and new members.
  • The first step is worship. Most visitors come to a Sunday service as their first step into Unity. This is where they begin to meet people and experience God’s presence. However, simply coming to church on Sundays won’t necessarily lead to long lasting community. 
  • We encourage visitors who enjoy Sunday mornings to then begin to grow in their faith by joining a small group or a Bible study. It is in these groups that real community begins to form. In small groups visitors begin to establish friendships that are deep and meaningful. 
  • Once involved in a group, we then encourage visitors to find a way to serve. Unity does an incredible job of offering opportunities to serve and get involved in missions. We invite everyone to pick one mission or service project that they want to get invested in. Make it your mission. 
  • Then, when you are worshipping on Sundays, growing in community and serving others, it may be time to consider joining Unity. Becoming a member is a way to commit to the work of Unity over the long term. You can learn more about membership at the Inquirer’s class this Sunday at 11:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. 
All of this work is being done in the name of hospitality. It reminds me of what Peter tells us:

Be hospitable to one another without complaining. Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” 
– 1 Peter 4:9-10
I have learned that when the members of Unity put their mind to something, the possibilities are endless. So, which of the four steps are you on?
Thank you for creating places of hospitality for your newest members. May you continue to serve one another with the unique gifts and abilities that God has given you. 
See you on Sunday!
-Pastor David
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