Advent Calendar

Thank you to all who helped decorate the sanctuary for advent! It looks great! There is a lot to celebrate this week! Thanksgiving is on Thursday! The first Sunday of Advent is this Sunday! Here’s what you’ll have to look forward to this season: Nov. 27: First Sunday in Advent. An exploration of the ancient...

The Foundation

We are exploring the foundation of Presbyterian theology: scripture, faith, grace, Christ, and the glory of God. Last week we covered how God primarily uses scripture to teach us today. This week we’ll explore “Faith” and “Grace.” Next week we’ll round out the final two. Johann Tetzel, a German Dominican priest in the 16th century, created...

A Lamp to Guide Us

Yesterday was Halloween and my family had a blast trick or treating in our neighborhood. But did you know that yesterday was also Reformation Day? Kind of slips under the radar, doesn’t it? Reformation Day commemorates the day Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31,...

A Service of Peace

When Paul wrote a letter to a church, he often ended it with a blessing. This was true when he wrote a letter to the church in Thessalonica (what is now modern day Greece). Instead of simply saying goodbye or so long Paul ends his letter by saying… “Now may the Lord of peace himself give...

The Spirit of Truth

Do you have an inner critic? I bet you do. All of us do. You know, that voice inside of you that critiques, questions and doubts. The inner critic voices complaints against who you are as a person. You’re not good enough at (parenting, your marriage, your work). The inner critic is really good at making you...

Things You Think the Bible Says (But it Doesn’t)

This Sunday we are starting a brand new preaching series. Things We Think The Bible Says (But It Doesn’t). Over time, we tend to pick up ideas about God and the Bible that are not entirely accurate. Most of the time the ideas harmless, but sometimes the things we believe can profoundly affect our faith...

Vision Sunday

This Sunday is Visioning Sunday. What is God’s vision for Unity Presbyterian in 2023? Where is God at work in us— both individually and corporately? Where do we feel God nudging our hearts? Once a year, we dedicate a Sunday to asking these questions. I believe God is leading this church and it is our...

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Each Wednesday I lead a Bible study at 5 pm, followed by a church-wide dinner at 5:45 pm. This week our Bible study topic is Embracing Your Uniqueness. In today’s newsletter, I’d like to explore this topic. Many of us have the following psalm nearly memorized because we’ve heard it repeated so many times: I...

Overcoming Challenges

How can you overcome the challenges in your life? Unfortunately, obstacles and heartache are a part of the human experience. We can’t avoid them and will only cause ourselves frustration by trying to. The challenges of life come in many forms: Conflicts with family. Sleepless nights due to stress. Holding a grudge because of a...

Year 1 of Artisan Church

One year ago Unity partnered with the Presbytery of North Carolina to start a new church in Lincolnton— Artisan Church. Over the course of the year, God has formed a strong community of people who are engaged in weekly worship and growing deeper in faith. It has been incredible to watch. Here’s a list of highlights...

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